It is currently 2 minutes past midnight and I can't sleep. So what is better in such a moment than writing a blog? And better yet, a blog about religion and faith. Personally, I consider these two as separate concepts: religion being the literal or metaphorical place for the worship of higher beings; faith being the actual belief in such beings.
I've been thinking a lot about faith. A conversation with a friend has made me think about this topic even more. What makes people believe in God? What makes people have faith in someone that they can't see... someone whose existence they can't necessarily prove?
I've been raised in a Christian home so my automatic answer to this question has been that there is no such thing as faith which requires evidence. Faith meant belief in something without the need for proof. At least that has always been my understanding.
But time has given me pause to reflect on this. Do I actually have faith? Has everything that's happened in my life, events and circumstances that I've attributed to God... do they really have anything to do with a Higher Being or are they simply coincidence?
In all honesty, I've struggled with these thoughts. Though the conversation happened just this morning, these contemplations have been taking place in my mind for awhile now. Said-conversation was merely a catalyst to my coming to a conclusion.
And that conclusion is yes. I do believe in God. I believe that He created the universe, that He created me, that what is written in the Bible is true, and that God does have a plan for me. What that plan is... I have no idea. Am I scared? Absolutely petrified. Am I wary of what other people may think? For sure. Am I going to let that change the way that I see the world, or the way in which I interact with it? No way!
In my opinion, everyone has the right to have faith in something. We can argue until we're blue in the face about which faith is the right one. But what it all comes down to is whether or not we have the courage to stand up and say that, regardless of evidence or proof, we have faith in something beyond that which we can see. We reserve the right to explore the different faiths, the different religions, the different gods, and decide for ourselves which one we choose to believe in.
The God that I believe in, and that I place my faith in, gave us free will. The ability to choose for ourselves what we want for our lives. And that free will extends to religion and faith. We can't force others to choose the faith that we choose, any more than they can do the same to us.
Ok. That's all. Just wanted to rant and write down my thoughts. What you choose to do with them is completely up to you.